Revelations Since Starting My Own Business and Becoming a Career Coach

I’m coming up on three years since making the switch from Human Resources to Career Coaching and two years since starting my own business. When I started I assumed people would be interested in career change, however many of my clients have expressed interest in starting their own business. They ask me for insight on how to get started, how to know what to offer, etc. It has been an unexpected outcome, and one that is exciting! It’s fulfilling to help people find their calling or unlock their potential for a new career, but when that new career means they will be starting a business and contributing something amazing to the world, there’s no words for how impactful that feels. Obviously I’m new to this as well, so I’m continuing to learn as I grow. I think that if you have an idea for a business, chances are there is an audience for it. You just need to do it the “right” way. That means, working with clarity on your purpose, focus on your path forward, follow intuitive prompts, and purging any self-limiting beliefs that you have. That also includes purging the limiting beliefs of others.

My journey has been more about delving into the personal growth areas listed below. Keep in mind, I’ve never had a business before - I’ve never sold a good or service to others, not even a lemonade stand when I was a kid. My motivation has come more from seeing a need in the world and it not fitting within the corporate framework, and not wanting to compromise my values or capitulate to decisions with which I didn’t agree. If you’re considering starting your own business, the reality is, there will be naysayers. I’ve had one (which was enough lol), who was very vocal about how she thought my starting a business was a bad idea. A business owner herself, I mistakenly thought she’d be supportive and had the opposite experience! We were in her office, she was angry and saying I was delusional if I thought I could make my business work. I politely ended the meeting, got up from the chair and resolved to not give up on my vision, and never interact with her or anyone else who isn’t supportive again. A bit of a tangent, but shows listening to others isn’t necessarily wise as we are all on our own path.

My path has been a process of self-discovery, honing my intuition and gaining clarity on what I want to contribute to the world. In short, I believe that if people are doing work that makes them feel joy and gratitude and is aligned with their authentic self, the world will be a better place. That type of energy not only benefits the world, but also companies because their people will be filled with excitement and gratitude for the work they do, thereby attracting more profit. Studies have shown there’s a correlation between employee engagement and the company’s performance. So, now we know the driver and why I feel drawn to this work, here’s further insight into what I’ve learned over the last couple of years from my career coaching clients and my own journey.

  1. Mindset is key. Chances are, you can’t get from here to there with the same mindset, because if it required the same mindset, you’d be there or well on your way with minimal complications. What beliefs about yourself, others, or the world need to shift to get to your goal? What self-limiting beliefs are holding you back and keeping you small? What voices (yourself or others) either now or from your childhood are saying you can’t do it, you’re not this or that, yada yada yada. I’ve found this is the part my career coaching clients need help with the most. Often they have a vision, but are holding themselves back. It doesn’t matter what others think and no, you’re not too old 😊 We each have limitless potential, the key is knowing how to tap into that and having the courage to do so. Making a career change or starting your own business can be difficult because people in your life have defined you a certain way and it can be hard to step out of that box. Switching your mindset to not being worried about being judged and being true to yourself will help you to not be deterred.

  2. Know thyself. The ultimate key to unlocking your potential and living/working authentically. Who are you really? What is your unique  gift you want to share with the world? I believe we all play a part in the world’s orchestra, and when we’re playing the notes we’re meant to play, the harmony begins and magic happens. Getting in tune with your authentic self helps purge the beliefs that no longer serve you and step into your awesomeness 💫 If you want to change careers or start your own business, knowing yourself in terms of what challenges you’d like to solve in the world, being clear on what your values and skills are are all great ways to start heading in the right direction.

  3. Dream outside the box. Many clients and others I speak with are interested in starting their own business. The first two points here are key , because you need to know what you want to contribute to the world, and have an unlimited mindset to do it. Nothing is off limits, if you feel drawn to a type of work or have a business idea, explore it because chances are there’s something to it.

  4. Meditation is a super power. Besides helping  to work through 1 and 2 on the list, it clears your mind, makes you super focused, intuitive, realize solutions to problems, relieves stress, and feel empowered knowing you’re getting the answers from within. Feeling the benefits of meditation started for me in January 2021 when I started my reiki training. That’s when I learned to still my mind and let go. I’ve tried a few different ways of meditating, you name it - guided meditations, kundalini yoga, ecstatic dance, sound baths, connecting with nature etc . These days my jam is meditations with a buddhist monk. I like the pure humility of the practice and meditating on love and kindness. I still listen to the mantras from kundalini yoga, and connect with nature daily by going to spend time with my horse, and being in the moment with her. Horses are great for mindfulness! Doing things to keep your mind still, like meditating, allow space for your super power skill, being intuitive, to further develop.

  5. Follow your intuition. Do you have a hunch about something or someone? What feels light and expansive? Our emotions are our inner guidance system. When we feel excitement, happiness, peace, gratitude when we think of or do something, that’s a good indicator we’re on the right path. Our intuition won’t necessarily give us all the answers, but rather reveal one step at a time how to proceed. In the summer of 2020 I had a strong feeling that once the pandemic was over people would start leaving their careers because of a shift in their values. I didn’t realize it would be as massive as it was (The Great Resignation), but acting on that strong sense of knowing not only led me to work I love, but also something that the world needs right now.


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