
With May being mental health awareness month, May 5 being a very special day in Buddhist tradition, and mindfulness coming up with many career coaching clients, I can't not post about meditation 😊

Over the past two years, I went from not being able to meditate because my head was too noisy to being able to still my mind and get into a meditative trance easily. If I can do it, you can as well 🙌

Some of the benefits of meditating I've experienced are: mental clarity, being centered and grounded, finding solutions to problems, and a deeper knowing. One of the things I find most fascinating is that no two meditations are the same - for me it's always a different journey. This means it never gets boring, but rather it's exciting to see what will happen next.

There's different ways you can meditate and I've gone through phases (erm, my Meditation Eras) of what works for a period of time, then I try something different that works better. If you're interested in starting, go with what you're drawn to, then shift as you feel drawn to other methods. Some ways to start are: nature walks and touching nature, guided meditation apps, listening to meditation music, sound baths, group meditations, and public meditations at Buddhist temples (my current fave!)

Happy meditating! 🧘‍♀️😊


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